As an artist I'm rather isolated. I don't use social networks and have little interest in spending time or effort advertising. I've been for the most part self-taught and struggle greatly to find peers or mentors who share my view of art. However I do believe that in order to both improve and understand, I need to confront my art with the rest of the world. For that reason I very occasionally participate in events and exhibitions. Here are some of them :

Art festival in Cusset, France

The theme of my exhibition in this festival was Motion and Elipses in which I explored a fundamental of art both common in fine arts and comics, the later being the main topic of the festival.

Artist Residency in Naples, Italy

I participated in the 13th edition of Scampia's Artist Residency, in Naples. The theme was Reimmersion or life after covid19. During my 8 days stay I made 5 paintings which were exhibited in the event's vernissage.